Wednesday, January 22, 2020

How To Set Up A Small Woodwork Shop for Under $1000

Are you a woodworker looking to set up your workshop, but your small space and limited funds are getting in the way?
It turns out that even with a small space (as small as 8’X8’ square feet); you can still set-up up a complete, fully functional workshop.
And you don’t have to worry about not having a lot of money; at Ultimate Small Shop, expert woodworker Ralph Chapman gives you a complete guide to setting up a small, but complete workshop for under $1,000.

No Space, No Funds No Tools?
Workshop space and tool selection are among the most common problems beginner wood-workers face. Many beginner woodworkers do not know how much funds they need to set up a shop, how much space is enough, how to shop for quality goods even with limited funds, among other things. In a complete guide to building small workshops, Ultimate Small Shop addresses these issues and more.

What’s This All About and Who Is It For?
As a woodworker, you need a shop and a place to keep your lumber and other tools. Setting up a workshop may sound expensive, and many woodworkers think they need a larger space. The truth is, this isn’t always true. With just $1,000 and a space as small as 8’X8’ square feet, you can build a functional workshop.
When I first started, my shop is a small walk in closet in an city apartment - so I completely understand where Ralph is coming from. You just need to know how to maximize your space and select the right tools for the job. Ralph takes you step by step through the entire process of setting this up.
Ralph's website, UltimateSmallShop is dedicated to showing woodworkers how to build small complete workshops on a budget. The website offers you comprehensive guides covering all the factors that you need to consider in order to set up a proper workshop, from the most basic to the most critical. The site also provides critical insights for tool selection including where to buy them at the lowest cost
So if you are a woodworker wondering: How much money will I need to set up my workshop? Is this space too small for a fully functional workshop? How do I get quality tools, and what’s the bare minimum woodworking tools will I need? What are the most important factors to consider when setting up a woodworking workshop? Then Ultimate Small Shop was created for you.
It is also important to note that while the website was basically meant to help beginners who are setting up shop for the first time, its insights are also very helpful even to more experienced woodworkers who already have a shop.
It contains many tips on workspace optimization, improving efficiency with tool selection and machine placements.

Why You Should Really Check Out Ultimate Small Shop
Setting up a woodworking workshop shouldn’t very difficult, but without knowing how to, what you need to do and what you shouldn’t do, it may end up being more expensive than you thought. For instance, when it comes buying tools, many beginner woodworkers just don’t know what to get. They end up buying poor quality tools or tools they actually don’t need.
And talking about tools, it turns out those online shops (like Amazon, Lowes, Home Depot) that promise “best prices” aren’t the best places to shop for quality woodworking tools at reasonable prices. Ultimate Small Shop gives you a list of the best and most important tools to get and where to buy them from at discounted prices.
What’s more, if you are wondering whether or not that small space will be enough for your workshop, Ralph's guide has complete floor-plans for creating workshop layouts in small spaces.
What You Can Expect To Find In The Guide:
The guide will give you insights on 6 modules:
  • Tool Selection
- How to determine exactly which tools you need for your woodworking hobby before you start buying… so you’ll never blow your hard-earned cash on a tool that just ends up sitting in a box unused.
- Hand-tool only shopping list if your budget is under $500 (or if you just want to use hand-tools only)… and direct links to buy them for the best price. (pg 41)
- Power tool and hand-tool shopping list if your budget is under $1,000… and direct links to buy them for the best price. (pg 42)
- and more...
  • Space Selection
- All of the possible types of home workshop spaces… and the pros and cons of each
- Get ideas and layouts for all sizes of workshops, from the large to tiny including setting up a woodworking shop in your garage, basement, attics, home spaces, apartment corners
- The one place that is perfect for a small workshop... but from what I’ve seen… very few ever consider it
- and the list goes on

  • Shop Layouts
- How to plan and design your workshop to fit nicely in whatever space you have available… without sacrificing tools and machines you really need.
- Perfect shop layouts for spaces that are 10’ x 10’ and under
- What I call the “doorway trick” … using this technique along with a smart layout can make a small space work like a larger one! (pg 29)
- You’ll get detailed floor plans and space-saving layout recommendations for your workshop. It includes machine placement and dividing your work space effectively for different woodworking tasks
- and many more...

  • Electricity, Lighting and Sound Proofing
- You’ll learn the ins and outs of lighting and electricity for your workshop, including cost and layout
- The cheap circuit type that can power almost anything... without ever risking a blown breaker. (pg 89)
- How to lower all sound that escapes from your workshop by as much as 70% for under $500..
- and the list goes on...

  • Heating, Cooling, Ventilation & Dust
- The $3 trick that ensures you have clean air even without inside-to-outside ventilation (which can make your workspace either hot or cold). This trick might even be healthier than having fans in your windows. (pg 111)
- The EXACT model of shop vac that is the best performer for its price... a great value!
- Why “cheap” heaters are not the way to go if you want to save money. And what to do instead.
- The best types of heaters for shops that are well insulated and those that are not well insulted.
- and many more...

  • Workshop Safety & More
The one type of shop fire that gives you a 50/50 chance of losing your home. Learn about it on pg 121
- Two tricks to avoid tripping over cables.

- 90% of workshop fires can be prevented by doing this one post-work habit which you'll discover on page 91
- The 10 item checklist for shop safety.
- and the list goes on...
If you are looking to build a workshop on a budget but don’t know where to begin, visit below link and find out how you will set up your ultimate small workshop today.

Monday, January 13, 2020

250 Years of "Pharmacy Research" Mirrored in One Pocket-Sized Garden

If space is the reason you don't own a garden,
Keep on reding...because we have the perfect solution
A recently discovered manual from the 19th century is telling us what we do wrong with gardening and plants in general
It appears that...
A sailor from the 19th century somehow grew a garden on his ship...
That's right, a ship fighting waves and storms on the sea had a garden full of healing herbs
Learn how he did it, and how you can do it too on the link below:

Boost Your Bust - An Honest Review

The Truth About Boost Your Bust

Can You Really Increase Your Breast Size Naturally?

Boost Your Bust - The Magic Formula?


Can you really increase you breast size naturally without surgery, pills, creams etc etc

Well a new website call BoostYourBust says you can and thousands of women have already used there strategies.

Now it's a pretty bold claim so I wanted to take this 'Magic Formula' for a test drive and see for myself if a natural option works.

So to start with I went to the site and purchased a copy of the ebook so I could put it to the test over the coming weeks

Reading the ebook I was pleasently surprised as it was very clear and easy to follow and in theory the advice made sense.

I learned...

The 10 Top Foods To Increase Breast Tissue

The Little Known Super Supplement That Has Already Been Proven To Increase Breast Size

The Top 5 Exercises Which Instantly Make Your Breasts Look Bigger

And much more

So now was time to put it to the test...

I gave the methods inside a full test run over 6 weeks and with 2 weeks I had already started to notice a difference. It took just under 4 weeks for me to gain one cup size taking me from a B cup to a C cup.

At 6 weeks I had seen even more improvement and was a very full C... I decided to keep going for another week as it would take me to a D cup which was my goal to start with.

When I looked back at the progress and growth I was blown away. I didn't expect it to work as good as it did and was unsure if I'd see even a small increase but 7 weeks later I was two full cup sizes bigger.

And the best part about the Boost Your Bust method is that you don't have to go through any expensive and painful surgery.

If you'd like to increase your own cup size then just visit the Boost Your Bust site below. I recommend the methods 100%

Get a Copy Of BoostYourBust guide.