Wednesday, January 22, 2020

How To Set Up A Small Woodwork Shop for Under $1000

Are you a woodworker looking to set up your workshop, but your small space and limited funds are getting in the way?
It turns out that even with a small space (as small as 8’X8’ square feet); you can still set-up up a complete, fully functional workshop.
And you don’t have to worry about not having a lot of money; at Ultimate Small Shop, expert woodworker Ralph Chapman gives you a complete guide to setting up a small, but complete workshop for under $1,000.

No Space, No Funds No Tools?
Workshop space and tool selection are among the most common problems beginner wood-workers face. Many beginner woodworkers do not know how much funds they need to set up a shop, how much space is enough, how to shop for quality goods even with limited funds, among other things. In a complete guide to building small workshops, Ultimate Small Shop addresses these issues and more.

What’s This All About and Who Is It For?
As a woodworker, you need a shop and a place to keep your lumber and other tools. Setting up a workshop may sound expensive, and many woodworkers think they need a larger space. The truth is, this isn’t always true. With just $1,000 and a space as small as 8’X8’ square feet, you can build a functional workshop.
When I first started, my shop is a small walk in closet in an city apartment - so I completely understand where Ralph is coming from. You just need to know how to maximize your space and select the right tools for the job. Ralph takes you step by step through the entire process of setting this up.
Ralph's website, UltimateSmallShop is dedicated to showing woodworkers how to build small complete workshops on a budget. The website offers you comprehensive guides covering all the factors that you need to consider in order to set up a proper workshop, from the most basic to the most critical. The site also provides critical insights for tool selection including where to buy them at the lowest cost
So if you are a woodworker wondering: How much money will I need to set up my workshop? Is this space too small for a fully functional workshop? How do I get quality tools, and what’s the bare minimum woodworking tools will I need? What are the most important factors to consider when setting up a woodworking workshop? Then Ultimate Small Shop was created for you.
It is also important to note that while the website was basically meant to help beginners who are setting up shop for the first time, its insights are also very helpful even to more experienced woodworkers who already have a shop.
It contains many tips on workspace optimization, improving efficiency with tool selection and machine placements.

Why You Should Really Check Out Ultimate Small Shop
Setting up a woodworking workshop shouldn’t very difficult, but without knowing how to, what you need to do and what you shouldn’t do, it may end up being more expensive than you thought. For instance, when it comes buying tools, many beginner woodworkers just don’t know what to get. They end up buying poor quality tools or tools they actually don’t need.
And talking about tools, it turns out those online shops (like Amazon, Lowes, Home Depot) that promise “best prices” aren’t the best places to shop for quality woodworking tools at reasonable prices. Ultimate Small Shop gives you a list of the best and most important tools to get and where to buy them from at discounted prices.
What’s more, if you are wondering whether or not that small space will be enough for your workshop, Ralph's guide has complete floor-plans for creating workshop layouts in small spaces.
What You Can Expect To Find In The Guide:
The guide will give you insights on 6 modules:
  • Tool Selection
- How to determine exactly which tools you need for your woodworking hobby before you start buying… so you’ll never blow your hard-earned cash on a tool that just ends up sitting in a box unused.
- Hand-tool only shopping list if your budget is under $500 (or if you just want to use hand-tools only)… and direct links to buy them for the best price. (pg 41)
- Power tool and hand-tool shopping list if your budget is under $1,000… and direct links to buy them for the best price. (pg 42)
- and more...
  • Space Selection
- All of the possible types of home workshop spaces… and the pros and cons of each
- Get ideas and layouts for all sizes of workshops, from the large to tiny including setting up a woodworking shop in your garage, basement, attics, home spaces, apartment corners
- The one place that is perfect for a small workshop... but from what I’ve seen… very few ever consider it
- and the list goes on

  • Shop Layouts
- How to plan and design your workshop to fit nicely in whatever space you have available… without sacrificing tools and machines you really need.
- Perfect shop layouts for spaces that are 10’ x 10’ and under
- What I call the “doorway trick” … using this technique along with a smart layout can make a small space work like a larger one! (pg 29)
- You’ll get detailed floor plans and space-saving layout recommendations for your workshop. It includes machine placement and dividing your work space effectively for different woodworking tasks
- and many more...

  • Electricity, Lighting and Sound Proofing
- You’ll learn the ins and outs of lighting and electricity for your workshop, including cost and layout
- The cheap circuit type that can power almost anything... without ever risking a blown breaker. (pg 89)
- How to lower all sound that escapes from your workshop by as much as 70% for under $500..
- and the list goes on...

  • Heating, Cooling, Ventilation & Dust
- The $3 trick that ensures you have clean air even without inside-to-outside ventilation (which can make your workspace either hot or cold). This trick might even be healthier than having fans in your windows. (pg 111)
- The EXACT model of shop vac that is the best performer for its price... a great value!
- Why “cheap” heaters are not the way to go if you want to save money. And what to do instead.
- The best types of heaters for shops that are well insulated and those that are not well insulted.
- and many more...

  • Workshop Safety & More
The one type of shop fire that gives you a 50/50 chance of losing your home. Learn about it on pg 121
- Two tricks to avoid tripping over cables.

- 90% of workshop fires can be prevented by doing this one post-work habit which you'll discover on page 91
- The 10 item checklist for shop safety.
- and the list goes on...
If you are looking to build a workshop on a budget but don’t know where to begin, visit below link and find out how you will set up your ultimate small workshop today.

Monday, January 13, 2020

250 Years of "Pharmacy Research" Mirrored in One Pocket-Sized Garden

If space is the reason you don't own a garden,
Keep on reding...because we have the perfect solution
A recently discovered manual from the 19th century is telling us what we do wrong with gardening and plants in general
It appears that...
A sailor from the 19th century somehow grew a garden on his ship...
That's right, a ship fighting waves and storms on the sea had a garden full of healing herbs
Learn how he did it, and how you can do it too on the link below:

Boost Your Bust - An Honest Review

The Truth About Boost Your Bust

Can You Really Increase Your Breast Size Naturally?

Boost Your Bust - The Magic Formula?


Can you really increase you breast size naturally without surgery, pills, creams etc etc

Well a new website call BoostYourBust says you can and thousands of women have already used there strategies.

Now it's a pretty bold claim so I wanted to take this 'Magic Formula' for a test drive and see for myself if a natural option works.

So to start with I went to the site and purchased a copy of the ebook so I could put it to the test over the coming weeks

Reading the ebook I was pleasently surprised as it was very clear and easy to follow and in theory the advice made sense.

I learned...

The 10 Top Foods To Increase Breast Tissue

The Little Known Super Supplement That Has Already Been Proven To Increase Breast Size

The Top 5 Exercises Which Instantly Make Your Breasts Look Bigger

And much more

So now was time to put it to the test...

I gave the methods inside a full test run over 6 weeks and with 2 weeks I had already started to notice a difference. It took just under 4 weeks for me to gain one cup size taking me from a B cup to a C cup.

At 6 weeks I had seen even more improvement and was a very full C... I decided to keep going for another week as it would take me to a D cup which was my goal to start with.

When I looked back at the progress and growth I was blown away. I didn't expect it to work as good as it did and was unsure if I'd see even a small increase but 7 weeks later I was two full cup sizes bigger.

And the best part about the Boost Your Bust method is that you don't have to go through any expensive and painful surgery.

If you'd like to increase your own cup size then just visit the Boost Your Bust site below. I recommend the methods 100%

Get a Copy Of BoostYourBust guide.


Monday, December 2, 2019

Mountain Driving Guide For Truckers, RV, Motorhome Drivers

There is an old saying among over-the-road truckers. "There are two kinds of drivers -- those who've been in trouble on a mountain grade, and those who will be." Unfortunately, this also applies to many RVers. Trucks and RVs have similar problems regarding weight, engine power, and braking in mountainous terrain.

Imagine yourself descending a mountain grade in your RV. You didn't know there was such a long, steep grade on this highway. What a surprise! And things are not going well. You have a white-knuckle grip on the steering wheel. The engine is not holding back all of this weight, the brakes are smelling hot or even smoking, you're pushing harder on the brake pedal but your speed keeps increasing. All you can see ahead is more mountain. Your mind is racing through all of the available options and none of them are good. "I've got to do something," you say "or I'm not going to make it." The options include: run into the rock wall, go over the side, hit those trees, or see if you can make the next curve and ride it out. You choose the last option and, if you are lucky, you make it to the bottom in one piece. You pull over and while you are waiting for your heart to stop pounding, you wipe the sweat from your face and you notice your shirt is soaked, your mouth is dry, and your hands are shaking. You are thinking, "If I had known it was going to be like that............."

Perhaps your rig has difficulty during the steep climbs. The temperature is in the 90's and the grade is so steep that you can barely climb it in first gear. The engine and transmission temperatures are rising. How far to the top of this hill? You don't know if it's one mile or ten. Something smells hot. What to do? Pull over and cool off? But then all momentum is lost. Can you even get started again? You wish you had unhooked the car you're dragging up this hill behind the motorhome. If you are lucky, you can do that next time. You are wondering how many thousand dollars a new engine and transmission will be.

Read more....

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Zcode Automated Customers System Review

Zcode Automated Winning System to Invest Money Online: 

The following table is showing the past performance of all automated systems combined.

Of course the past performance does not guarantee the future success but gives you a possible idea what you could make if you followed the systems and winning picks.

The results are 3rd party verified and transparent. Below you will find the list of the systems we used and can backtest each system to see it's past performance as well.

The profit amount is calculated based on the running profit.

Unlock your picks for all automated systems. CLICK HERE for Instant Access. 

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Affiliate Funnel Studio Review

Starting an online career is exciting. Especially when you hear how easy it is to build a list, then monetize it with affiliate commissions.

And then, reality kicks in. You soon realize you’ll need:
=> a website, hosting, page-building software & an autoresponder
=> to learn how to create optimized landing pages
=> to create content
=> to master multiple traffic sources AND have a dedicated traffic budget
=> to learn how to find winning offers and split-test to maximize conversions
Even if you do ALL those things …

You’ll be lucky to start making any money within about 6 months.
Or - if you’re like 97% of people that try to earn online -
You’ll find there are too many roadblocks and give up before seeing results.

What if, instead:
ALL of these roadblocks went away?
You didn’t need ANY of the above tools or training?
And you could simple copy & paste a PROVEN success formula for driving
profits online?

For the 1st time in history, there’s now an all-in-one online income solution for
marketers of any level.

You can start from nothing and be in profit within 24 hours from right now.
Without needing ANY additional tools, and without ANY experience.

Technology is incredible stuff … and this is the 1st time it’s been put into an
all-inclusive platform where all you need to do is plug in to profit.

Details and all kinds of proof right on the page.
Hear from complete beginners how they’ve used this platform to create
job-replacing income …

And how you can do it too.
The best things in life are simple …

The Product "Affiliate Funnel Studio" Worth Of it. Start your $1 Trial Today

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

7250 landscaping designs, ideas and themes and about 300 pages of gardening landscape guides

Ideas4Landscaping is a comprehensive collection of 7250 landscaping designs, ideas and themes and about 300 pages of gardening landscape guides. I've just bought the entire package and this is my honest review of the product. I will be covering what I like and dislike.

What Is Ideas4Landscaping?
The product offers step by step blueprints and pictures of over 7250 different landscaping designs. The creator, Helen Whitfield offers a simple, efficient and user-friendly online gallery for landscaping inspiration to design your dream landcsape. Inside this massive database, you'll find 1'000s of landscaping pictures in 60+ categories consisting of:
  • Backyards
  • Front Yards
  • Gardens
  • Patios
  • Decks
  • Walkways
  • Lawns
  • And Many More...
This massive collection of photos, ideas, and simple step-by-step details is designed to help home owners make some progress with their plan to liven up their home with the perfect landscaping.


The Pros:
Below are some of the points I was really impressed with.

- A Huge Range of Designs To Choose From
This is a complete landscaping resource with detailed diagrams, complete with color pictures and examples on many types of landscaping designs. It is everything you'll need to get started in creating the perfect outdoor living experience for you and your family with gardens, pools ,decks, pathways ,sheds, gazebos, hedges, driveways, waterfalls, ponds, patios and walkways.

There are multiple designs available for each types of landscape, so you have some variety to choose from.

- Suitable For Beginners or Pros
All the designs are suitable for beginners and professionals. I'm somewhat new to landscaping but I found most of the projects can be completed in 1 weekend.

- Great bonuses included
The bonuses you get with this product are great. The bonus videos on landscaping is great for beginners who want an easy to follow video guide. There are also some great value books added in, including an organic vegetable farming guide which I've found very useful.

- Full Color Pictures
I appreciated the amount of full color pictures and diagrams that are included. I’m a very visual person, so it is easier for me to follow a picture or diagram instead of reading paragraphs.

- Money Back Policy
The 60 day money back guarantee is always appreciated. I like seeing a merchant who stands behind their product 100%. It puts the consumer at ease, knowing that they aren’t going to lose a cent if they choose to not use the system.


What I Didn't Like:
It is cool that I get instant download access but it also takes away the joy of a printed collection. The designs are all in downloadable online gallery, which is great if your main purpose is to stop using paper and save the trees. But it can be quite a hassle if you want to have your design sitting snugly next to you as you build your boat.

However, you do have the option of printing everything out.That way, you don’t have to go online to view it.

Do You Recommend It?
Ideas4Landscaping is is a great collection anyway you look at it. It is suitable for beginners as well as seasoned landscapers alike. It offer great value for money considering the one-time price you pay for such an extensive system.

Ideas4Landscaping gets 2 thumbs up from me!
P.S IMPORTANT NOTE: I've just been told, Ideas4Landscaping is currently running a huge promotion. Normally it sells for over $297, Helen have slashed that price down to $47…for now.

I’m told the price is going back up within a matter of days. So if you’re at all interested, now is the time to buy Ideas4Landscaping:

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The 3 ‘Fat Loss Foods’ Sabotaging Your Results

Feel like you’re doing everything right on your diet plan but still not seeing the results you desire?
Many people find themselves in this position. They are working hard on their approach and taking care to follow their diet to the letter. But yet, something is amiss. The scale just isn’t going downward and they aren’t getting the results they were hoping for.
What gives?
Often, the big problem is not their effort or motivation. The problem is that they are letting certain foods into their diet plan that are sabotaging their results. Often these foods are designed to be fat loss foods but they really aren’t. Instead, they’re holding you back from success.
What are these foods? Let’s go over three foods that you need to cut out of your diet immediately.
Fruit Flavored Yogurts
Fruit flavored yogurts are a favorite among many dieters but little do they know they’re digging into pint-sized sugar bombs each time they eat a small container.
Next time you’re picking out your favorite yogurt, double check the sugar content. You might just find yourself surprised to know there are 15 or more grams of sugar per serving.
Of course you can purchase the sugar-free varieties, but then you’ll be taking in a number of unwanted artificial sweeteners, which can be just as bad for you.
Instead, opt for plain Greek yogurt. Flavor it yourself by adding a handful of fresh berries.
Fat-Free Products
Next up on the list of foods that you want to get out of your diet plan are any products that are built to be ‘fat free’. These often state that they are fat free on the label and proud of it.
But ask yourself, if the fat is removed, what is added? Something had to be added otherwise these just wouldn’t taste good.
The answer to that is sugar. Sugar has often been added to these foods and is what is causing them to still taste appealing.
And, if you are trying to lose body fat, sugar is just as bad — if not worse — than fat is.
Protein Bars
Finally, the last of the foods that you need to be careful about including in your diet plan are protein bars. These may seem like a great option since they do contain protein and you’re probably trying to get more protein into your day.
But once again, you need to check that sugar content. Most protein bars are upwards of 15 grams of sugar or more per bar. Some measure in as high as 30 or even 40 grams of sugar depending on the calorie content.
In actuality, these aren’t much more than a glorified chocolate bar. While you can buy a few bars that do keep the sugar content very low (five grams or less per bar), you do need to search for those. Be careful about buying these bars.
So there are three foods that you may be currently eating that could be causing you some issues. Are any of these in your diet?
If you want to learn the two must-eat foods that will help catapult fat loss into high gear, make sure that you check out The 3 Week Diet which goes over the harmful and helpful foods for weight loss.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Buy Cheap Cars At Government Auctions Today - Why Pay More For Your Next Auto?

Few people know about the numerous deals available on cheap cars at US government auctions.

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Why pay full sticker price when you can get a quality, newer vehicle at US government auctions? provides you access to 4,000+ auction listings across the US. Research and find quality cheap cars from the comfort of your own home. We have guaranteed listings in every state. Join now and see why is the most trusted and largest resource on the Internet for cheap cars, trucks and other vehicles.


Sunday, June 10, 2018

Monday, July 24, 2017

Natural remedies for nasal polyps

You might be wondering why you always have trouble with your breathing, and why your nose passages are clogged up. Those symptoms could be the result of nasal polyps. If that is the case, when you visit the doctor, there will be two remedies recommended; treat the condition with steroids in the form of nasal spray or go for surgery. However, both these treatments are not permanent cures and are associated with a number of dangers and side effects.

The Cause
Nasal polyps can be identified as small or large, teardrop shaped masses of mucus. They are usually fairly movable and result from inflamed tissue in the passages of your nose and upper air ways. They usually start high up in the nose and grow over time, as your irritation increases.  They are non-cancerous, and can result from a number of reasons.
If you are born with a deviated septum resulting in a slightly skew nose, or if you had an accident that causes your nose to be deformed, then this can result in these mucus masses growing over time.  Another more common reason for them to appear is if you suffer from allergies which inflames and irritates the tissue in the nose.  Even poor air quality, like being shut up in a stuffy room for hours, or living in an area where the air has a lot of pollution in it, can trigger the growth of nasal polyps.

The Problem
This type of airway discomfort can be as small as a slight irritation, causing you to feel stuffy or occasionally you feel irritated in your nose. Or these polyps can result in far greater discomfort, causing serious problems and embarrassment. They often affect breathing, causing your nose to get clogged up and your nasal passages to close and resulting in you having to adopt 'mouth breathing', which is never a desirable trait in anyone. It can disrupt your sleep and can cause you to be more prone to colds and illnesses as you do not use your nose to filter the air you breathe. It can also cause you to not get enough oxygen intake; affecting your concentration and athletic abilities. All these are serious problems, and really negatively affect your everyday life.
Difficulty breathing and a stuffy nose are the result of nasal polyps, but there are other symptoms that help to distinguish it from just a normal common cold:
You have shortness of breath.
You yawn a lot as your body tries to compensate for lack of oxygen.
Your nose in continually stuffy or clogged.
You have difficulty sleeping.
Your ability to smell is considerably reduced.
Your ability to taste food is reduced.
Your nose often bleeds when you blow it.

Standard Treatment
These mucus growths are treatable to an extent with medical help, but the problem is that medical solutions only provide short term treatment. Steroids need to be used continuously to keep the polyps down and once you stop them, the polyps will grow to a larger size then they initially were. And you will HAVE to stop them eventually, because steroids are associated with a multitude of side effects such as a weakened immune system, stunted growth, vision problems, persistent headaches, and more…
Surgery is the other option. It is expensive and many medical-aids do not pay for this type of alteration as it is deemed as cosmetic; because it alters the structure of the nose. Worse, it is a known fact that surgery is not a permanent cure and most patients (about 70%) will experience a re-growth of the polyps in just weeks after surgery. In addition, there are also many risks involved with surgery. Due to the fact that the surgery is so close to your eyes; there is a risk of damage to your orbits, as well as to the nasal tissue and wall and even brain fluid leaking. Sometimes surgery leaves deep scars in your nose which are uglier than the polyps themselves.

A Natural Holistic Solution
There are a number of natural solutions which provide fast, effective treatment for polyps and many people report complete shrinkage in just a few days of treatment. Natural options are free of side effects and the body does not develop a tolerance. Then, once the polyps have shrunk down, you can implement specific vitamins, minerals and nutrients in your diet to ensure that the polyps never come up again. By including these nutrients, you will be effectively blocking the pathways which can trigger a polyp growth; for example you will keep the body in an anti-inflammatory state, and this will make nasal polyps re-growth impossible. In addition, these dietary changes will prove beneficial for your general health. In fact, many people find that they have more energy and get ill less often. This is because your immune system will be in a much stronger shape, enabling your body to fight off not only nasal polyps growths but other ailments as well.

For the full guide on treating nasal polyps naturally, permanently and safely, visit Manuel Richards' Nasal Polyps Treatment Miracle™. Manuel Richards is a certified nutritionist, biomedical researcher, holistic health consultant and the go-to guy when it comes to curing nasal polyps naturally and safely. His system, Nasal Polyps Treatment Miracle™ , is the result of years of research and experimentation on natural remedies for nasal polyps, and has already cured thousands of people worldwide.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Nasal Polyps: An Overview

Nasal polyps are abnormal growths that occur inside the nasal passages and the sinuses (canals found behind the cheekbones). Nasal polyps can range from unnoticeable to large lumps, and sometimes they can hang outside the nose. They can be pink but also yellow or grey in colour. They are soft and often described as jelly-like.

Symptoms of nasal polyps:
Nasal polyps tend to be unnoticeable at first, being dismissed as the irritation associated with a common cold. Some early symptoms include itchiness in your throat and your nose becoming stuffy or occasionally clogged up. These symptoms can increase, and are often followed by your nose running a lot, unexplained bleeding and your nostrils becoming clogged completely. In some cases, if these growths are deep enough in your nose they block the airways at the back of your nasal cavity completely. When nasal polyps get big enough, they are easily visible from the outside.

Nasal polyps can cause you to have difficulty breathing. Loss of sleep can result and snoring is a less common symptom, but also occurs if the mucus growths partly obstruct the airways. You will also find you are more tired and have difficulty concentrating. This is attributed to poor intake of air. You will often compensate by breathing through your mouth, which will cause you to be more susceptible to colds and upper airway infections. This is a result from the fact that you cannot filter the air you breathe through your nose.

In short, symptoms include:
Nasal congestion
Anosmia (loss of sense of smell)
Secondary infection which can lead to headaches
Snoring may occur while sleeping
Facial changes are not common, but are can occur
Nose bleeds

Cause of Nasal Polyps:
The exact cause for nasal polyps is unknown; however, they are commonly thought to be caused by:
Cystic fibrosis
Exposure to some forms of chromium
There are a few illnesses that can be associated with nasal polyp formation:
Chronic rhinosinusitis
Aspirin intolerance
Kartagener's syndrome
Young's syndrome
Churg-Strauss syndrome
Nasal Mastocytosis
Cystic fibrosis

Manuel Richards is a certified nutritionist, biomedical researcher and holistic health consultant. He is the author of Nasal Polyps Treatment Miracle™, the only natural, holistic and permanent cure for nasal polyps.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Sell Products On Amazon-Proven Amazon Course

Want to own your own Amazon and Shopify E-commerce stores that generate me over 47,812 usd per month, but dont want to pay thousands for for all the tools and education?

Trust me, I get you.

E-commerce used to be a tough business. 

First you needed to find a comprehensive course to learn everything or scout the web for incoherent instructions by dubious uncertified "instructors" or even worse

Going in "blind" wasting away thousands of dollars on trial by error.. 


(Finding your product/s,open your stores, finding the best and cost effective suppliers, import the right way.. etc)


You needed dozens of HEFTY priced tools to research keywords, narrow demographics, find non competitive niches and and and)

And THEN.. (!!)

as if it wasnt enough you needed to find a community were your questions would be answered by people that usually had no clue what they were talking about.

In SHORT: It used to be a long winded,costly and frustrating cookie clutter experience..


Not anymore. What if I told you you can get :

- 10 HOURS of in depth Video training on how to setup your own Amazon AND Shopify stores.. taught by "been there done that" tutors that own highly successful stores themselves! (not sold anywhere in this detail or combination as far as I know.. priceless)

- The Amazon Best Seller Finder Tool that tells you EXACTLY what is selling well right now and HOW many units are being sold so you can COPY PASTE the success easily ($499 usd value)

- The Amazon Product Tracker Tool, that lets you reverse engineer products right back to the supplier of the product on Alibaba or Aliexpress with a few clicks, so you outsmart the competition.. without any hussles. ($69 USD monthly)

- The Shopify Dropshipping Finder Tool. Dont want to buy any inventory? Sell straight from China with this tool that lets YOU find the cheapest suppliers for the best products. Start from scratch, no investment needed and UNLIMITED searchs! (Product sourcers usually ask between 50 -100 usd per inquiry!)

- The Amazon List Generator Tool will create your listing for the product in Amazon automatically with high converting, keyword rich titles and Bulletpoints to make your Amazon listings sell themselves on autopilot ($149 usd / Month)

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and MANY more tools + beta developments..

All for.. "you wont believe it but its true" 1 (one) USD ?

I kid you not.. 

For a limited time only (as we are growing our community) you can access all of the above For ONE Dollar!

Own your Own Amazon Business and Shopify store business today!

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Product Review - Get A Great Guy Guide

When I hear about women having dating and relationship problems, I hear the same theme of issues coming out every time: you can find a man, but not the right man. Or it may be a case of not being able to hang on to them for more than a few dates. Similarly, it may be a case of feeling as though all the quality men have been snapped up and all that are left are ones that you aren't attracted to. Have you ever felt as though all of this is sometimes out of your control? The ones you are attracted to are already married or in relationships, and the single ones that you do end up dating don't seem to last.

Your dating record may be characterized by a string of dismal failures, but after all that time you still aren't any closer to getting "the one."

For all the women that share with me their dating and attraction issues, there are as many products out there that promise you the holy grail. They promise to take you in hand and teach you how to dress, act, behave, even down to how you hold your body. Sure, many women follow this advice blindly, in the hope that they can be convincing enough to get a guy's attention. But isn't a relationship about much more than just getting the guy?

That's where author Mirabelle Summers has a striking point of difference. In her ironically-named "Get a Guy Guide," the first thing she professes is that it's not about getting the guy as it is gaining the knowledge, skills and ability to be authentic, creative, and irresistibly attractive.

Rather than catching the guy, it's about freeing yourself from your past limitations and getting in touch with your most attractive self, and letting this guide you to living the lifestyle of your wildest dreams. Empowering stuff huh?

When I started to flick through this book, I was surprised at how applicable this stuff really is. If what Mirabelle is telling you in the book doesn't get through completely, she reinforces those thoughts and ideas with exercises, called "Actionable Attraction Challenges." It's a great way of reinforcing the strong mindsets and concepts coming through in her revolutionary take on dating and your attitude.

In fact, this 250+ page ebook is literally bursting with dating and attraction advice, and tips that will turn your life around. It's like having your own mentor or personal success coach right there in front of you.

Why would you be interested in it? Because the approach you have taken to dating and attraction hasn't worked for you thus far. You may have achieved success in other endeavors in your life, like your career and your friends, but your relationships have remained the great unknown.

Now it's time to find out what YOU can do to empower and prepare yourself for the right man and relationship when it comes along. Rather than focusing on finding out what men want, finding out what men do wrong, and finding ways to trick them into wanting you, this book is going to teach you methods to develop your attitude and inner attraction so that you are able to see attraction when it happens, and know how to maintain it.

Do you want to simply observe your love life, or do you want to participate? If you are serious about making positive changes in your approach to men and getting to the bottom of attraction, then this book is essential to helping you move forward.

Everybody has areas in their life that they feel they can improve on or wish they could do better, and the fundamental first step is in believing that change is possible. The next step is to read this guide.

Do you want to discover more about the kind of man you want?

Do you want to recognize the ideal man when he comes along?

Do you want to let go of the baggage and misconceptions that have previously held you back?

Do you want to learn how to attract the right type of man into your life?

Do you want to learn how to develop the right mindset that is going to draw men to you in a way you have never experienced?

When you do attract him, do you want to know when to take it to the next level without jeopardizing your chances?

Do you want to know what to expect from him, and what he expects from you in return, when you are in a relationship?

Even for people that think they have what it takes already, there is still heaps in this book that can guide you towards making further improvements and keep your relationship thriving. With a whopping 250+ pages, it's attractively laid out, professionally designed, and contains everything you need to make concrete changes and bold steps toward dating success in your life.

Best of all, you are going to love the price. Check it out at:

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Get this guide and get your guy!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

The TRUTH about Diabetes Your Doctor Could Be Killing You

Living with diabetes isn't easy. In fact, I can safely say that it is one of the most draining things in the world. Constantly measuring your blood sugar, watching what you eat, being careful every single day – it really gets to you after a while.

I've suffered from it for a few years now, and although not as serious as it could be, it's still pretty bad. I've hated this disease ever since I was diagnosed, because all it does is make life less fun. At least, that's what it's done for me.

I spent a long time feeling sorry for myself. If I'm honest, it was easier living in self-pity. I didn't have to do much to help myself, and used the disease as an excuse all the time. Then one day my friends staged an intervention.

They sat me down and said that I was missing out on life. That I could overcome the disease, become a better and happier person. They even brought along what they said was the solution – The Diabetes Loophole. They told me that it held the cure to my disease, and said that I should read it.

Of course I was skeptical at first, but once I read through all the material in the product, I came away with a new understanding of my disease and how to treat it. It was surprising just how easy to do everything taught in the Loophole is, and in no time at all I was following their advice.

There were so many things in the program that spoke to me, like finding out that even the method of cooking food could make such a huge difference! It has completely changed my perspective on my cooking habits. I also loved the recipes in one of the bonuses, especially the brownies that were totally diabetic-friendly – my kids devoured them too.

I started slowly changing my lifestyle as well, but soon the extra energy I was getting from eating right inspired me to start going to the gym. Nowadays I actually hit the gym three times a week and do cardio on the other days. I even took up soccer, and do that every other weekend. All this, without the breathlessness I used to feel just by walking.

That was about half a year ago. I can tell you that I am now diabetes-free, and living a full, happy life once more. I used to have a paunch, and now I’m actually starting to develop abs. It really is amazing what The Diabetes Loophole has done for me – I can’t thank Reed enough – and I'm sure that if you give it a try, it could do the same for you.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

The Renegade Golf Psychology System Review

As a golfer that is always looking to improve my game, I can become overwhelmed with the volume of information that is available from the Internet, books, magazines, etc. I’m sure you feel the same way; there is no shortage of swing coaches out there.

There isn't as much variety out there for the mental training for golfers. Sure there are the standards like Bob Rotellla, Joe Parent and Gio Valiante; they absolutely have some useful materials that I have used for years. I don't know about you, but it's been a long time since I've heard anything that was different.

The Renegade Golf Psychology System was created by a team of alternative psychology coaches and elite golfers, to specifically address the most common challenges that we face out on the course (or more correctly, in our heads!), such as:

First Tee Jitters
Lack of Confidence
Losing Focus - making bad decisions
Getting Tight and Over-Swinging
Negative Thought Patterns 

The Renegade Golf Psychology System differs from all of the other sports psychology products out there in three ways:
  1. It's specific to golfers. There is no doubt that the creators of this system went to great lengths to cover as many aspects of golf as possible. They drew upon their own experiences, but also consulted with elite coaches and their golfers for insights and feedback.
  2. It utilizes alternative sports psychology. The three main tools are hypnosis, NLP, and Energy Mechanics (a form of acupuncture).
  3. These guys and this system are results-oriented. They admit up-front that they are intentionally short on theory, and only care about results. All of their techniques are outside of mainstream, but as you will see from the testimonials on the website, so are the results.
One of the great things about this system is that it gives you several different techniques to test out for any of the areas you need to improve. My personal favorites are the hypnosis sessions. I was a little skeptical at first, because all I could think about was my brother doing funny things up on stage at a comedy show when he was hypnotized. But these audio sessions are nothing like that! It just feels like 20 minutes of relaxation, with the coach taking you through different segments of your game like ball striking or putting, or building confidence and playing in the zone. I felt great after each session, and within a couple of weeks started noticing improvements in several aspects of my game (and scorecard)... without any conscious effort on my part.

The NLP and Energy Mechanics techniques are very interesting and have become a staple of my pre-shot and pre-round routines. Both of these are performed in-the-moment and have proved to work well for any negative feelings that crop up, especially when I have to face a shot over water (what used to be my nemesis!). They are also very subtle, so you never have to feel self-conscious about using them.

The one drawback I had in learning these last two techniques is that I’m a visual learner. Although the descriptions are quite detailed and there are photos, I really would have done better with some video tutorials. Maybe they will add this feature to the product in the future.

The Renegade Golf Psychology System is a valuable resource for any golfer that believes that he/she can improve upon their mental training in order to drop their handicap and/or just enjoy the game a bit more. Although some of the psychological challenges can differ from the rank beginner to the tour pro, I'm sure these techniques can be adapted and used by all of us to finally start “training our brains”.

At the time of this writing the price is $57 US. Which seems to be quite a bargain, as that just one session around here with a sports hypnotist (who may know nothing specific to golfers) is a whopping $125. Another nice feature is that these guys offer free email coaching for sixty days, as well as a solid money-back guarantee.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Recondition Battery - Product Review

Easy Techniques To Improve Battery Life! - Product Review

All batteries will fail at some point, when they have been in use for longer periods of time. But premature battery failure is one of the main frustrations people face.

Common thinking is that turning devices off extends battery life, but what happens is the opposite. Devices consume more power when they are starting up, so turning them off is not such a good idea if they are going to be switched on frequently.

Cars and Other Automobiles

It is important to protect the car battery from high under the hood temperatures with the use of a case or a heat shield. The battery life can be extended by keeping the battery charged at all times. Electrolyte levels will have to be checked frequently during the hot months. A recent study revealed that relocating the battery outside the engine compartment has increased its life by almost eight months. Car manufacturers are relocating the starting battery to the passenger compartment or the trunk to avoid under the hood temperatures. It also helps to use wet batteries vented to the outside or cells that do not produce gas when recharged. Based on the driving of each individual, some batteries are undercharged and this leads to sulfation, where lead sulfate gets accumulated, reducing the battery capacity. An external battery can be used for charging.

For any battery, the most important factor to consider is the temperature. Ensuring they are not exposed to too much heat can extend the life of a battery. It is common sense that high temperatures lead to faster chemical reactions. They need to be watered more often with only deionized or demineralized water. However, rain water is a good substitute in an emergency. In addition to the temperature, a reduction in the number of discharge/charge cycles significantly improves battery service life. In extremely cold climates, the car battery needs to be continuously kept fully charged when not in use.

Portable Electronic Devices

Battery life can be increased for iPods, cell phones, laptops etc. by lowering the brightness when not necessary. For example, when using these devices in a dark room, it is not necessary to set the brightness to 100%. The brightness can be lowered enough so that the screen can be seen without exerting any strain on the eyes can be done. The amount of time the backlight stays on can also be decreased. For iPods it doesn’t have to stay on for 10 seconds, 2 seconds should be good enough. Laptops can be set in hibernate mode when not in use.

One most important point that not many people are aware of is that turning down the volume increases battery life. Use headphones that are louder and leave the volume at 50%.

Background applications are power hungry monsters. Stop everything that is not being used. Defragmenting the hard drive once in a while helps decrease file scatter on the hard drive and uses up less power. Send the computer into standby mode after a certain period of inactivity as it conserves battery. Although, standby resume also uses some power but not as much as starting up. Interestingly, leaving a CD or DVD in the drive can decrease battery life, as it hogs power whenever the drive spins up.

In Wi-Fi Applications

Battery life in Wi-Fi apps can be prolonged by either increasing battery capacity or reducing Wi-Fi product power consumption and through control methods. It is easy to increase battery capacity; however, due to technological limits, it may lead to an increase in cost and size of the battery. That brings us to the option of reducing power consumption, which can be done by prolonging the standby time and shortening the time of the active cycle. You can also turn off the WiFi on the iPod when not in use as it consumes a large amount of life.

These techniques of low power consumption can improve battery life dramatically. Most of them are common sense usage techniques and can easily be made part of our daily lives.

Ratings: 4.5 out of 5.0

Good Quality product you should have.