Saturday, January 30, 2016

Fast Weight Loss For Men - The Solution "3week Diet" Review

Are you sick of feeling overweight and unattractive? Do you hate the way your body looks in the mirror? Do you feel exposed when you take off your shirt at the beach? If any of these things apply to you, then I have the solution you are looking for. You see, I was just like you once. Overweight and unhappy. I hated the way my body looked. I felt fat and ugly but deep down inside, I knew that I wasn’t meant to be this way forever. I knew that if I could lose the weight, my life would improve dramatically.

I started my mission to improve myself by searching for diets to lose weight quickly. I read hundreds of articles about all sorts of diets – from low carb diets, to high protein, to soup diets, and even an “ice” diet (where you were supposed to fill yourself up by eating ice!). None of them really appealed to me or even had any proof that they worked. After all, I had tried variations of them before like Atkins and Weight Watchers, but they all failed me and didn’t allow me to shed the pounds that I so desperately wanted to lose. I haven’t always been the most athletic person, so strenuous exercise and hours in the gym didn’t appeal to me at all. I knew I had to find something else.

One day I was reading an article about a professional UFC fighter. In it, he described how before each fight, he would lose rapid amounts of fat so he could qualify for the lighter weight fights. He even said he was able to lose up to 20 pounds using his method. I couldn’t believe it. If I could lose 20 pounds in just a few weeks, all my problems would be solved. So, I did some digging and I found out who this UFC fighter’s personal trainer was. He was based in Los Angeles, so I called the trainer up and pretended that I was interested in being his client. He obviously charged a lot of money and I couldn’t exactly afford to pay huge amounts of money for training, but to my surprise, he invited me to come to a free personal introductory training session.

So, I turned up at this fancy LA gym and met with the trainer. He was this good looking, handsome kind of guy that was in perfect shape. He certainly was practicing what he preached. Anyway, we talked about my weight loss goals and what I wanted to achieve and he explained that he would definitely be able to help me. He said he knew a secret diet that he’d be teaching celebrities and professional athletes for years where they can lose over 10 pounds a week. The bad news was though, if I wanted to learn it from him, I would have to enroll in his 10-session course, which would cost me $500 a session. That’s $5000 all up. There was no way I could afford that.

Just as I was getting up to leave, I noticed a business card sticking out of the personal trainer’s workout logbook. It had three words on it, and those three words would change my life forever. They were ‘3 Week Diet’. I said my goodbyes to the trainer and let him know that I could not afford his classes. As soon as I was out of the gym, I pulled up Google on my phone and typed in ‘3 Week Diet’. The first result was a website called ‘The 3 Week Diet’. I knew I had hit gold. The website, created by this nutritionist and scientist explained how it was possible to lose mass amounts of body fat in as little as 3 weeks. This was the exact same diet the UFC fighter I read about was on. And it was the same diet the personal trainer was trying to sell me for thousands of dollars! There it was. Revealed in all its glory. The secret to losing weight quickly.

I started the diet immediately. It wasn’t that much of an adjustment. The diet didn’t involve starving myself or doing any sort of tiresome exercise. In fact, I barely noticed that I was even on a diet! On the first day alone, I lost 2 lbs. I knew from right then that this was going to work. I followed the diet to a T and in the first week I lost a total of 10 lbs. I couldn’t believe it. Never in my whole life had I lost that much weight so rapidly. My jeans felt slimmer and I had so much more energy and vibrancy to my personality. I continued The 3 Week Diet until the end of the 21 days, and when I stepped on the scales for the last day, I nearly had a heart attack. 25 pounds. 25 FREAKIN’ POUNDS! I had lost that much weight in only 3 weeks. I could barely believe it. I looked in the mirror, and sure enough my face was slimmer, my jaw was more prominent, my stomach was flatter, my arms didn’t have saggy skin. I was actually somewhat good-looking!

I had found the holy grail of weight loss - The 3 Week Diet. I called up Brian (the creator of the diet) and thanked him personally. He was glad to hear my success story and asked for me to email him some before and after photos so he could put them on the site. He did, and you can still see them there to this day! So there you have it. That is my story on how I lost 25 pounds in only 20 days. Before starting The 3 Week Diet, I wouldn’t have thought that it was possible. But now, seeing how I look in the mirror, seeing how I can now wear any clothing item I want, and how people treat me so much better, I know it is possible! If you are in the same situation as I was in before I started the diet, take action now! Don’t waste your time with stupid diets that just don’t work, and even if they do – they take months and even years. I stopped the 3 Week Diet over a month ago; I haven’t put on any weight since. I’ve been able to keep the weight off for good. You can do it too!

Check it here...

Friday, January 8, 2016

Cosmic Ordering Secret - Product Review

Living My Dream

Living life was supposed to be simple and easy, especially when you had a job which paid relatively well. However, it was anything but that. Due to our mortgage and daily expenses (we were a big family of ten), we were always running short. In fact, at one point in life, we had to subsist on food stamps. It was totally embarrassing. My self-esteem went on an all-low then.

Then came even more bad news, I was laid off due to organizational restructuring. It was a huge blow to me and the family. We were suddenly thrown into the abyss. I had a total breakdown at the thought of the bills, the creditors, the essential expenses etc. My wife nearly went into depression mode.

Just when I thought everything was hopeless, one of my ex co-workers, one of my greatest friends there, dropped me a note. He knew my dream to open a pizza place, and introduced me to Cosmic Ordering Secret. The reason why he recommended it was because of his own personal experience in fighting off bankruptcy just recently. To my shock, my life went into a complete change when I used it.

What Is The Cosmic Ordering Secret About?

Cosmic Ordering Secret is an extraordinary trove of information on this power called the universal force or the cosmos.

Because of my dire situation and I have nothing to lose, I thought why the hell not, and decided to give it a try.

The Cosmic Ordering Secret explains about the powerful force of ordering from the cosmos. It sounded strange and bizarre to me at first when my friend explained it to me. But there are a lot of case studies in the book which convinced me otherwise, including the very successful and famous Richard Branson.

To be honest, it will sound very simple what you need to do when you read the strategies. But it is this simplicity that is needed for that in order to achieve success in whatever you do. The force is there everywhere around you. You just need to harness it in the correct way, as provided in the various instructions.

The Results

When I was in college, my dream was to open my own pizza place. It stayed on with me for the longest time even though I worked in another un-related field after I graduated - accounting. Through the Cosmic Ordering Secret, I learned to tap onto this powerful force. By using the effective tools outlined in the book, I Ordered my dream on a daily basis, as often as I could. Through my Ordering, a mentor came into my life when I was looking the job vacancy boards in the community square. He turned out to be a shareholder of the famous pizza cafe in the town.

Now two months later, I am at work at the cafe, thanks to his recommendation. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity that came with the Cosmic Ordering Secret, that our family are not out on the streets or in worst shape. The best thing is my mentor is actually thinking of expanding his business, and he took me in because he thought he could groom me further for the leadership position. My dream is manifesting in an unexpected, but fulfilling, way.